Starlink Mini : a stone into the sea [Update-2]

Since the launch of Starlink in 2020, the hardware and service offerings were particularly versatile (¹). If the first recreational boaters were able to benefit from a navigation service far superior to the official conditions of use, it seemed obvious that this somewhat chaotic launch period would eventually be regularized, and offers stabilized. Despite still a strong disparity in equipment and subscription pricing from one continent to another, or even from one country to another, we are starting to see more clearly.

This is the case for France with the arrival of Starlink Mini. [Update of 11-12 th 2024]

First truly mobile antenna, light, powered by 12 volts, much lower consumption than other models, it is provided with an integrated router which considerably simplifies installation. No more tinkering to switch from 110/220V current. alternative to 12V. DC converter, to replace the original router with a less energy-consuming one — which, in passing, increased the bill — now we unpack the product, power in, connect to, activate, and that's all.


Two packages are available for the MINI antenna : Roaming and Regional. The Regional package has just been increased by 59 up to 72 TTC.

The package Regional which already applies to the Standard Motorized antenna, is allowed for the Mini. Thus, the option Mobile Priority billed per GB applies as soon as you move away from the coast by an easy activation in the application. Do not forget to disable when approaching coast, switching is manual.


Unpacking on the cockpit table and temporarily powering the antenna with an Anker PowerBank external battery, activation with the application which automatically processes the necessary updates, setting up the Wi-Fi hotspot, in a few minutes it’s operational.

Testing installation

The boat remaining in harbour, surrounded by buildings and the masts of numerous boats, a provisional flow test was carried out by placing the antenna under the bimini, in the space formed by one of the blackout crystal panels of the helm stations. It was then powered with the 12V onboard circuit. using the special cable provided in the kit.

L'antenne Mini entre le cristal et l'occultant zippé

The Mini antenna between the crystal and the zipped blackout

An offshore navigation test was not permitted by the weather. However, a road test confirmed that, even at 50-60 km/h, as long as the antenna under the windshield is oriented correctly, flow rates were not less than 80 Mbit/s and depending on the turns, the range was between 50 and 100 Mbit/s.

Preliminary Conclusions

Premier test en mer à 10 MN

First sea test 10 NM

There is no doubt that data rates are lower than with standard mobile antennas. But for a boat sailing from 5 and 15 knots and a well located antenna, despite a viewing angle of only 110°, we can hope to obtain download flow rates from 50 and 170 Mbit/s, more than sufficient for many needs, mainly access to a lot of weather information via the internet, downloading large GRIB files, satellite mapping for landings, etc,.

[Update] A first test 10 nautical miles far from the coast has resulted in flow rates of nearly 170 Mbit/s.

Low weight, portability, reduced power consumption and all-in-one are the real strengths of this device.

We still have to wait for a test in offshore sea conditions. Stay tuned.
(¹) Starlink goes from strength to strength but still offers versatile services


14 Replies to “Starlink Mini : a stone into the sea [Update-2]”

  1. [September 11 update 2024]
    No more way to switch to mobile priority. The button has disappeared… Now you have to upgrade to the €289 package for at least 50Gb beyond territorial waters !!!

    1. Damn, yes, we just noticed the changes on the site today, Mini plans no longer seem to be able to be used with the mobile priority option
      This is still possible on our side, but the new conditions must come into force on 10 October.

  2. Thank you for your blog.
    The 12v power supply with the 15m cable is limited, better to provide 24v with a small 12/24v 5A converter.
    As soon as we are offshore, communications with the mobile plan are interrupted, except security. You must then go to (always accessible ;-), and choose payment per GB to 2.90 euros which quickly gets expensive. Upon returning to the coast, you have to deactivate it, then start again each time. Otherwise, it's great.

    1. To my knowledge, the price charged per GB is always 2,29 € TTC /Go for France. You can also activate this option from the smartphone application.

  3. Hello Francis,
    thank you for this feedback.
    Could you specify how did you connect the antenna to 12V? ? I understood that a minimum of 100W was required. ?
    Thank you very much

    1. Hello, you certainly misread the tech specs antenna size Mini. Actual consumption is 18 up to 25 Watts, a little more when you leave the “anti-snow” heating function activated (about 40 Watts, which absolutely must be deactivated if not useful). You can connect to the 12V panel with an independent 10A circuit breaker. 100W is the limit of the maximum power authorized by the USB-C cable at 40V 5A.

  4. Hello can anyone tell me exactly how to go about subscribing?. My installation is ready, I'm not good with the computer . On the starling application he directly asks to pay the 287 EUR, is this like that ?

  5. Thank you Francis for this interesting report..
    The problem : I am already connected via wifi to a multiplexer (AIT5000 YOU) with my iPad and uses the AIS NMEA as a GPS reference for W4D.
    Does the latter offer an automatic switch to the Starlink network if I request a GRIB update? (as he does with the Iridium Go) ?

  6. As usual, thank you for this interesting new paper
    Is it true that you can activate and deactivate the subscription at any time and without cost? ?
    Which would be a very big advantage for occasional browsers

  7. Excellent review. We have ours waiting for us at Port Navy next week and look for to testing also.

    Starlink has offered to purchase our Version 3 for 50% of our purchase price. So for 3 months about the same as rental but without the problems.

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