Reading : “With the Fairies” by Sylvain Tesson

With the Fairies

With the Fairies

This book is not a maritime novel ! And yet it is part of a “ sailing trip » of three months which takes the author from cape to cape along a long coastal strip from Galicia to the Shetland Islands.

Meditative journey, Tesson goes in search of his Fairies, which he describes as being “a quality of reality revealed by a disposition of the gaze”. Led by his companions on a sailboat 15 meters high, he will alternate the maritime stages while gaining towards the north, and hiking or cycling stops along selected promontories.

Because for him “the promontory conceals three treasures : the promise, Memory, the presence. We stand at the end of a western cape, impatient for what will arise (the promise), happy with what stands behind (Memory), and camped on the cliff (the presence) ".

This journey takes the form of a search for the essential, an inner journey stitched with reveries and philosophical reflections in the wild landscapes of Galicia, Bretagne, Ireland, Scotland…

With rare writing, Sylvain Tesson brings us another perspective — to us, boaters — about our nautical environment, encouraging us to investigate whether, by chance during our navigations, wouldn't some fairy hide behind the rocks that emerge.

With the Fairies – Sylvain Tesson (© Éditions des Équateurs / Humensis 2024)

Other works in my section : Marine readings.
